Sunday, August 9, 2009

Final Layout

dopo aver parlato con numerosi amici, ricevuto consigli e critiche,
e rielaborato tutta la stora, è venuto fuori questo layout che
penso sia più divertente e accattivante della prima versione.

Ringrazio Raould Cacciamani, per avermi suggerito il finale
con la rivista per pirati adulti.

After getting critiques, suggesions and ideas from a lot of friends,
this is the final layout that came up. I think this is more interesting
and funny than the one before.

I want to say thank you to Raoul Cacciamani for suggesting me the ending
with the adult magazine.


  1. excellent progresses Dino !
    I like your new layout very much. Everything is fluid and easy to understand, and the fun is still intact.
    Can't wait to see more of that !

  2. thanks Denis, dont forget to leave critiques for the animation, I started to post the first scenes...
