Sunday, August 9, 2009

first 8 scenes

Queste sono le prime 8 scene animate (20 scene in totale).
Le animazioni non sono ancora super final, cisono vari problemi da correggere
come il rimbalzare degli occhi del granchio, e alcuni archi di movimento non molto morbidi.
Mi riservo però queste correzioni alla fine, vorrei finire sto corto prima che il sole diventi una Gigante Rossa :)

thse are the first 8 scenes of the movie (20 scenes in total).
The animations are not super final, there are several problems to fix like the bouncing
of the crab's eyes and some arc to smooth here and there.
I think I'm going to fix those things in the end, I would like to finish this short before the sun becomes a Red Giant :)


  1. OMG!! U keep blowing my mind with every work of yours.Just can't wait for the final renders.Ur ideas are crazy!!!! what supplement do u eat for that??LOL!!


  2. I was just reading your posts about your friend suggesting you to add a new character.You know what?? Your friend did u a great favour.Because i LOOOOOve the CRAB or Crap :D


  3. Grande mi garba la storiella, molto bella pure l'animazione! :)
